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Application Questions and Answers «API v2»

Error 404
When I try to generate a token for API v2, it gives a 404 error, I can’t understand why - all the parameters seem to be set correctly.
4 answer
29.05.2024, 10:20
Good afternoon, please give me the number of hours to add to the API for receiving variants of sources in the vanbox. No., Source name, External so...
3 answer
24.05.2024, 14:58
permission settings for IP addresses from which the user is allowed to make API v2 requests
Good afternoon, please tell me a question about OneBox OS API v2 (I can't find it in the description). 1. Where is the permission setting for IP ad...
11 replies
22.05.2024, 15:31
Pagination in api v2
How to receive data in parts using an api/v2/order/get/ request, I used offset, page, part, nothing helps, in the quality parameters, in the body o...
1 answer
29.11.2023, 12:47
We do not receive a list of documents for API v2
Regarding the API issue https://1b.app/ru/forum/api-onebox/17869-rabota-s-dokumentami-api-v2/ From this user we take a token https://univer.1b.app/...
0 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
30.10.2023, 10:49
How to send the necessary GET, POST, DELETE, PUT requests and use the received responses in orders
Here is an example of the request we send: { "apiKey": "here we take the key from the settings of the activated New Mail integration, for example",...
1 answer
25.10.2023, 17:24
Transferring additional images, availability text and supplier via API
Good afternoon, please tell me why I can’t transfer additional images, the main one is transferred but the additional ones are not, I use one pictu...
3 answer
31.07.2023, 11:49
Ari2 for clientpersonalreminder does not work
I create a reminder for Ari through api/v2/clientpersonalreminder/set/ and in response I get a 404 page. A similar situation has already occurred w...
4 answer
16.07.2023, 22:53
No connection to API server
Hello! API not working, even missing texnika.1b.app ping While the APIv2 application is installed and received a password token for my user. But my...
How to find out your URL
This is the page https://avr-service2.1b.app APIv2 at https://avr-service.crm-onebox.com is not working