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Application Questions and Answers «OneBox Shop»

5 replies
25.09.2023, 18:01
Replacing the variable in the IM template in the code insertion block
there is a script for inserting the product card page in the online store template https://stingray.ua/admin/shop/grid/product/ here is this script...
2 answer
03.09.2023, 13:04
OneBox won't load
Our box is not working https://knigarnia.1b.app/ Help!!!!
2 answer
30.11.2022, 14:28
How to remove the inscription about the absence of goods in the category (the goods are there and are displayed)
Congratulations! On individual pages of the category, after an attempt to add a banner, an inscription appeared that there are no products in the c...
3 answer
12.11.2022, 13:20
Extension of photos in products
Good afternoon, the question is as follows. In the product that was added after the update of the box to OneBox S, in the download for the online s...
1 answer
13.10.2022, 12:42
lost connection to server
when adding a new case to one of the business processes, an error appears, the connection to the server is lost
2 answer
04.09.2022, 12:30
I can't see my store on the My OneBox tab
When entering your personal account by phone number, the store https://shopforcars.crm-onebox.com/ is not displayed
4 answer
14.07.2022, 16:38
Client phone format
When creating new processes /order/set/ I am passing client parameters from my phone. If you know the client's phone number at the base - it wi...
1 answer
23.06.2022, 16:57
Can't restore my OneBox
Can't recover my 1b after a week of non-use
3 answer
11.01.2022, 18:18
After connecting, the "Login" button on the site does not work (in your personal account)
After connecting the multilingual module, the "Login" button (to your personal account) does not work on the site. How to fix it? https:/...
7 replies
21.10.2021, 09:48
Adding Options-characteristics of goods to the Product Card
Tell me how to add, change, generally configure the fields in the section with the parameters (=properties, =options) of the product? Fields that a...