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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

Copy process link to add. process field
Good afternoon. There is a need to transfer the process link to third-party software through the API. How can I automatically copy the process link...
2 answer
02.08.2022, 23:09
Otrimannya zamovlennya
Good day /api/v2/order/get/ 1. Can you take away more than one (specify, as with the fields of the process) the fields of the products of the proce...
5 replies
25.07.2022, 18:59
Passing multipart/form-data files via API
Here is the procedure https://univer.1b.app/app/workflow/15/procedure/5/ you need to transfer the file via api request and multipart/form-data tran...
1 answer
IT Deo
25.07.2022, 14:26
API v2
Pass the product measurement unit to the api/v2/product/set/ method. I tried using the "unit" and "measure" fields, it doesn&#3...
3 answer
25.07.2022, 13:47
API v2 - pass process currency
It is necessary to transfer data according to the currency of the process, and the curencyid field itself, earlier in API v.1, was out of the blue,...
1 answer
21.07.2022, 10:44
Integration refinement
It is necessary to make integration with the platform https://www.ecwid.com/ Client site https://harborstore.com.ua/ API documentation https://api-...
4 answer
14.07.2022, 14:53
The 'filters' field is missing the filter name 'filtername'
API request api/v2/product/get/ with parameters "fields" => [ "filters" ] In the old API, filters came with the filtername f...
4 answer
13.07.2022, 19:56
api/v2/product/get/ main product from the lineup
How to get product data from the field "Use image and card as main lineup"?
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
13.07.2022, 18:33
Unable to create payment, pardon The first element of the payment array is missing
Good day, We cannot create in the payment process, we pass the following parameters: URL = 'https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/api/v2/order/get/' ...
8 replies
08.07.2022, 14:25
/api/v2/order/set/ Don't know Product for externalid
/api/v2/order/set/ Don't know Product for externalid Such a name Id is exactly є, і він is correct, judging from the Products from the OneBox i...