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List of related questions and answers «OneBox API Services»

1 answer
31.05.2024, 15:25
Business process history
I get a list of processes from /api/v2/order/get/. Is it possible to find out more information about changes in the order by id which is in 'value'...
Error 404
When I try to generate a token for API v2, it gives a 404 error, I can’t understand why - all the parameters seem to be set correctly.
2 answer
29.05.2024, 13:20
API v1: Update optional field for users
Congratulations. It is necessary to update the custom field for the user according to API v1. I did not find such a mechanism for /api/contact-upda...
4 answer
29.05.2024, 10:20
Good afternoon, please give me the number of hours to add to the API for receiving variants of sources in the vanbox. No., Source name, External so...
3 answer
24.05.2024, 14:58
permission settings for IP addresses from which the user is allowed to make API v2 requests
Good afternoon, please tell me a question about OneBox OS API v2 (I can't find it in the description). 1. Where is the permission setting for IP ad...
1 answer
22.05.2024, 18:16
Additional ordering information in the process list
There is such a problem that if you add orderproductfields to json data using a post request api/v2/order/get/, then not a single field from orderp...
11 replies
22.05.2024, 15:31
Pagination in api v2
How to receive data in parts using an api/v2/order/get/ request, I used offset, page, part, nothing helps, in the quality parameters, in the body o...
0 replies
15.05.2024, 14:59
Synchronization of balances between OneBox and Zoho
You need to set up the synchronization of balances between OneBox and Zoho, because the balances are current in OneBox, they are drawn from 1C. The...
2 answer
15.05.2024, 14:02
How to send a product with a webhook when an event is executed
When creating a product, updating or updating stock balances, you need to send this information to the url address. How is this possible?
3 answer
10.05.2024, 11:00
Creating an order.
I create an order using the API. Data used to create an order: [{:name=>"test", :workflowid=>1, :statusid=>1, :productinfo=>{:id=>1, :findbyArray=>...