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List of related questions and answers «Calendars»

3 answer
Personal license
13.11.2024, 17:44
The names of the days of the week in the German language calendar application are incorrect. Can it be fixed?
Good day https://goldinside.1b.app/ When opening the calendar application with German localization, the translations of the days of the week are di...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.04.2024, 11:20
The amount of selected processes is not displayed in the editing panel
The amount of selected processes is not displayed in the editing panel when viewing processes in "GTD calendar" mode right here https://demo1bc.1b....
Displaying the number of processes per day in the calendar
Congratulations. The customer needs the GTD calendar to display the number of processes scheduled for the day. https://arsenalcompany.1b.app/app/gt...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.09.2023, 14:21
Calendar - is it possible to display the Moon
Is it possible to reflect the Moon? If so, please tell me where it can be adjusted, because I can't find it. If it is impossible to display in th...
6 replies
19.07.2023, 23:34
Sort tasks in the calendar by the date the parent process was created
Can you please tell me what are the solutions to the problem? It is necessary that the tasks in a certain BP in the calendar are sorted by the date...
Automatic date transfer Schedule
Good day. In mvp, the Schedule date in an open process was automatically updated every day. Is there such a setting in the os?
2 answer
18.03.2023, 22:25
Integration with Google Calendar
Please let me know if there are instructions for integration with Google Calendar?
7 replies
27.12.2022, 13:19
Please fix the layout. Not all stages are displayed
When you right-click on the top process in the calendar, the context menu opens up and not all stages are visible. With a larger number of stages, ...
3 answer
07.10.2022, 14:41
Bulk operations on processes
In the My Processes (calendar) section, by default, the bulk operations panel interface configured for the Customer Order Business Process is set. ...
1 answer
Problem with filter in calendar
Signed point in the filters of the GTD calendar * Valid * Now in the selection for the filter it is not possible to select ""all valid&qu...