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3 answer
17.07.2021, 15:52
OS: No Save button in Business Process Editor
Hello! Found that the "Save" button is missing in the business process editor. Please add it, as it is not safe, I accidentally deleted h...
3 answer
17.07.2021, 13:54
OS: No Save button in BP Editor
Hello! Accidentally discovered that the "Save" button is missing in the business process editor. Please add it, as it is not safe, I acci...
13 replies
17.07.2021, 13:08
OS: Interface glitch - Save button disappeared
Hello! I can't create a client. The "Save" button is not clear where.
11 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
16.07.2021, 10:57
finalize the button in the process interface block "products by table"
I ask you to modify the button in the process interface block "products by table" (similar to the already existing "Button for updat...
4 answer
15.07.2021, 13:56
OS - Comment Feed 2
A few problems: 1. Uneven size of file icons. Is it possible to bring all icons to the same size? 2. Please add to the tooltip when hovering over ...
3 answer
14.07.2021, 18:45
OS - Working with notifications
1. When switching the stage, the process closes, a notification appears in the bottom right corner and then the process opens again, but false appe...
4 answer
21.06.2021, 11:15
OS - Notifications
Problems in the operation of the notification center OS version: 1. When you click on a notification, it takes a very long time to switch to mail. ...
6 replies
16.06.2021, 18:09
Undo action
Since Box now saves everything without pressing a save button, it would be very convenient and functional to add a "undo" or "back/f...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
16.06.2021, 01:32
All applications are missing the button "Return to the previous page"
For example, I went into the access rights settings, then "Tasks" set up what you need. Next, I need to return to the window for setting ...
1 answer
18.03.2021, 09:34
Button to go to telegram
Near the phone numbers there are buttons with messengers for a quick transition to the chat in the messenger client itself Can you add telegram too...

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