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OneBox user forum

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7 replies
15.04.2021, 09:08
system not working
Hello, works on https://box.fialan.com/ error 502 Tell me what could be wrong?
2015780568 - Added action "Create a sub-process if there was no "Schedule" date change before the specified time"
Added a new BP action "Create a sub-process if there was no "Schedule" date change before the specified time". The action will ...
2015781297 - Improved the functionality of the "Submit form" action
For the "Submit form" action, the setting "If the contact does not have an email, send an sms with a short link to the form" ha...
2015780582 - Improved functionality of integration with Nova Poshta
For integration with Nova Poshta, the setting "When suggesting addresses in the process, add an area to the city" has been added
2015780584 - Improved display of process history
Added settings: Show changes while the process was in a business process Show changes while process was in status
2015780519 - Improved functionality of integration with UkrPoshta
For integration with UkrPoshta, the ability to set the parameters of several places when forming a TTN has been added
2015782785 - Improvement of integration with UkrPoshta
Improved for integration with Ukrposhta: - setting "Take the weight of the parcel from the additional field of the process"; - the delete...
2015779896 - Improved functionality of integration with UkrPoshta
Improved the ability to configure several UkrPost integrations. Now you can connect several UkrPoshta offices in one OneBox.
2015780566 - Added a setting to the action "Duration of the stage with notification repetition"
For the action "Date of the stage with the repetition of the notification", the setting "After adding the notification, execute the ...
2015780276 - Improved the functionality of the action "Create a process for the supplier"
For the BP action "Create a process for a supplier", the setting "If a supplier is selected, create only processes for this supplier...