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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
15.04.2021, 13:07
Orders stopped uploading from Opencart and Onebox
Orders stopped being uploaded from Opencart and Prom.ua https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/
6 replies
15.04.2021, 12:39
Integration with MTC
Tell me, please, is it possible to integrate with the Russian MTC?
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
15.04.2021, 12:29
In the process, the goods were shipped, the balances decreased, but there is no sale in the warehouse.
Sales Process: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/11536/edit/ After the status Ready for shipment (stage 6), the process should ha...
2 answer
15.04.2021, 12:24
Processes hang when writing an Instagram reminder.
When the "Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)" message is sent to Instagram, the processes often hang, which can hang for 30-60 se...
4 answer
15.04.2021, 12:24
Problem updating Open Cart
Good afternoon Open Cart and Boxing work through the database and update all the information there directly. We have an update of the name and othe...
4 answer
Refinement in the panel of mass operations in Finance
Can it be improved so that the bulk operations panel displays the amount of selected payments, next to the amount?
8 replies
15.04.2021, 11:41
Orders with Magento are not pulled up
Integration with Magento is set up https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/magento/settings/1/ Automatic action for importing orders is configured. Ver...
1 answer
15.04.2021, 11:34
Integration with Justin, box shopforcars.crm-onebox.com
yesterday, logs: turn around, be kind.
8 replies
15.04.2021, 11:10
Several processes are created from Viber messages from one client
Good afternoon! For example, 8 processes were created for the client (screen 1 in one second, despite the fact that the automation settings do not...
6 replies
15.04.2021, 10:40
Filling in the field associated with the New Mail directory does not always work
Good afternoon! There is a problem with filling in the field from the New Mail directory. The process for the test https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/cust...