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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

3 answer
24.04.2021, 17:52
Import additional fields
Where did the import of additional fields to processes go?
1 answer
24.04.2021, 13:10
Universal product import stopped working (xml/json)
Hello. I imported the product through the Universal Import of Products (xml/json), the product was added but without characteristics. I changed the...
1 answer
24.04.2021, 13:00
Universal block - location
Sorting in settings does not match what is displayed.
6 replies
24.04.2021, 12:41
Need to improve automation
You need to make a filter by suppliers for which you need to create an automatic purchase for automation: "Set the business process for the pu...
7 replies
23.04.2021, 15:04
You need to install an SSL certificate on the server
Good afternoon. FOP Dzhura A.V. You need to install a certificate on the site https://crm.meblevakimnata.ua/. The certificate is ready, I'll re...
7 replies
23.04.2021, 12:48
The separator has changed from dot to comma in the product table
Since yesterday, the decimal separator has changed to a comma, which is very inconvenient, given that, firstly, in all other places (number of good...
15 replies
23.04.2021, 11:23
Integration with Binotel does not work correctly
Good afternoon. Incorrect integration with Binotel: 1. there is no pop-up window about an incoming call, although the employee card has a checkmark...
10 user license
Good day! I will sell 1 license for 10 users in a boxed version. The license has an unlimited expiration date. Details dimapchelnikov@gmail.com
1 answer
23.04.2021, 11:11
Telephony RingoStat - calls to CRM are not recorded
https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/telephony/8199-telefoniya-ringostat---ne-zapis... - please answer the questions!!!! And then...
Incorrect transition from the status of UkrPoshta
order 190662 status history There are no transition actions at the "Sold Drop" stage due to the status of ukrpochta At the same time, we ...