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OneBox user forum

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Integration with South Torg
It is necessary to evaluate the refinement, integration with Yug-torg (https://b2b.yugtorg.com) to process their price lists https://b2b.yugtorg.co...
9 replies
03.11.2021, 09:11
Link to payment in Privat24
Good afternoon! In the box there is an action "Create a link to pay in LiqPay". Is there something similar for Privat24?
2015864903 - Added filter by product categories in personal account
A new filter has been added for the client's account, which displays products in a tree of categories. Implemented as a "Filter by product...
2015865515 - Added a new integration action with Nova Poshta
Added action "Change amount by field Return shipping amount per quarter". When creating a TTN in the box, the "Return Delivery Amoun...
2015866157 - Refinement of integration with Nova Poshta
Added process interface block "Parameters of each place of departure (Nova Poshta)". Allows you to enter data on sending at the stage of ...
2 answer
02.11.2021, 18:07
evaluate integration with intelco telephony
є lead, in which telephony https://intelco.org/uk/ choose CPM, marvel at AMO, because there is integration. on the site https://intelco.org/uk/ats/...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
02.11.2021, 17:14
Palette in action "Show Interactive Window"
The palette is not displayed completely and there is no way to set the desired color https://crm-77.com/admin/shop/workflow/12/procedure/33/?status=2
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
02.11.2021, 15:09
fix the row:product_currency variable
in the documents in the variable "product currency row:product_currency" instead of the currency of the product of the process or the cur...
5 replies
02.11.2021, 14:37
I can't create a box https://prnt.sc/1y5xti6 - I see a pardon
so the client itself cannot create a box with the name dimpol create, be kind, and give access to poldim5@gmail.com
1 answer
how to get short form link ?
There is a checkbox in the form settings and you can somehow get this link in some extra. field ? If you use just setting then it is long and obv...