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4 answer
02.09.2020, 14:54
How to disable a button in progress
How to disable the "Prepaid" button? https://prnt.sc/ua80sb So that the system does not display it on the desktop of the process.
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.08.2020, 19:25
Refine the product card interface
There is such a button in the product card: http://prntscr.com/u6yzso Already pressed it many times, instead of clicking Save. Because of this, I l...
2015508773 - Improvement of the “Create order button” block in the pop-up call window
For the “Create order button” block in the interface of the pop-up call window, the setting “Minimize the window after pressing the button” has bee...
2015494738 - Added to event constraint
For the “phone” field of the universal process block, the button “add phone to the list of restrictions as spam” has been improved
2015494734 - Improvement of the "Create Order Button" block in the call window interface
The following has been added to the settings of the “Create an order button” block of the interface of the pop-up window when calling: - the settin...
2015466595 - Adding a copy button to the shipping invoice field
For the “delivery invoice” process field, the “copy to clipboard” button has been improved
2015408288 - Added "Business process creation button" to contact card interface
Added the ability to display process creation buttons in the contact card interface. Implemented using the interface block “Button for creating a b...
2015137840 - Added AMI cron restart button in Asterisk integration
In the Asterisk integration settings (inside the telephony application in the OneBox market), the “Restart cron ami” button has been improved
2015099030 - Improved the page "Select/find/create product ..." in the process section - "Products"
The pop-up interface has been improved, which is called by the "Select / find / create product ..." button in the "Products" se...
2014963389 - Added filter reset button
For process filters, the "Reset Filter" button has been added. After clicking on the button, the page will reload and everything that was...

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