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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

7 replies
09.04.2024, 10:46
how to get by API the history of the process
Good afternoon, please tell me, I searched in the API description and did not find it. How to get the history of the stages with the names of the s...
1 answer
09.04.2024, 10:43
need the ability to add short names to the name in the "phone" field
Good day, for convenience, it is very necessary to add the possibility to add Name in the field "Telephone" in the contact card. It is already poss...
Error 500 during actions
Since yesterday (04/08/2024), employees cannot move around warehouses and click procedures, write comments in processes says "an unexpected error ...
Import payments from a CSV file
The following question arose, when setting up automation to import payments from a CSV file, I do not quite understand where to place the file and ...
Product names have disappeared
It's been more than a week since the names of the products have disappeared, it's hard to work in such conditions, please respond!
1 answer
"Show interactive window" action does not work
Doesn't work for everyone, or just me? All required fields are filled, but the action does not work
Removal of product analogues by importing from an xls file
Is it somehow possible to remove all analogues from products by importing from an xls file? By analogy, we do it for fields and filters.
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.04.2024, 10:40
The address autofill field in the universal process block stopped working
Good day, Today, the google address autocomplete field in the universal process block stopped working. Yesterday everything worked correctly. I...
4 answer
How to set the price for the service, if it is a percentage of the total cost of materials?
Tell me how to set the price of the service, which should be deducted from the total cost of materials and equipment in the estimate in each proces...
1 answer
03.04.2024, 19:14
Sum of two fields
And if you need to perform a function. Let's say there are two additional fields for the digital process. And in the third field of the process you...