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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2015380857 - Improved issuance of a duplicate when creating a contact via API
For the method of creating a contact, the issuance of duplicates in the form of notUnicCompany, notUnicEmail, notUnicPhone has been improved
2015380857 - Improved issuance of a duplicate when creating a contact via API
For the method of creating a contact, the issuance of duplicates in the form of notUnicCompany, notUnicEmail, notUnicPhone has been improved
2015378126 - Improvement of the block “Block with contact role files”
For the contact interface block “Block with contact role files”, the display in the contact card of not only attached files, but also documents by ...
2015378885 - Finalization of the profit report
For the “Report on profit” report, the column has been improved, the value of which is calculated as: sale - cost = margin
2015379034 - Improvement of the BP action “Make a payment”
For the BP action “Make a payment”, the category selection from the additional process field has been improved so that all settings in the action a...
2015378028 - Refinement of the manager's phone variable
Improved clientmanagerphone (and clientmanagerid) variable for processes/letters/SMS, which pulls up the client manager's phone
2015377886 - Finalization of the import of balances from 1C
In integration with 1C, the setting “If data about warehouses is received in the product update API, remove all product reserves for this warehouse...
Set up the correct write-off from the warehouse of balances when there are two or more identical items with different sizes in one order and simplify the procedure for reserving goods
Good afternoon, we are primarily interested in (hereinafter in order of priority) 1. In cases where there are several absolutely identical products...
2015379557 - Improvement of the api/contact-add/json/ method
For the api/contact-add/json/ method, in response to the creation request, the indication of which field is the duplicate in the form of phone-dupl...
2015378732 - Refinement of the block “Products by table”
In the settings of the product table, the ability to set the display of numeric characters in the table up to 4 decimal places has been improved