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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Active time in the system
Good afternoon. Please make a record of the employee's active time in the system, now it will be very useful when working remotely. To understa...
2015445080 - Completion of the block “Fill in the contact card”
For the block of the interface of the process “Fill in the contact card”, the ability to set the fields to be filled in has been improved
2015444042 - Improved display of bonuses in personal account
For the process block in the personal account “Table of accrual and write-off of bonuses”, the ability to display bonuses only for the current proc...
Password manager
Please make a password manager. So that when assigning a role to an employee, the passwords of employees of this role would automatically become av...
2015439532 - Finalization of payments
- improved system setting “Allow to change the date of the payment” - Improved the ability to change its type in the created payment to "to th...
2015443877 - Improvement of the action “Fill in the process or contact field”
For the BP action “Fill in the process or contact field”, the ability to set a value in the “connection” contact field has been improved. If severa...
2015435618 - Added new action "Send unread notifications to telegram"
Added a new automatic action “Send unread notifications to telegram”, which once a minute sends unread messages to the users selected in the settings
2015437438 - Refinement of the process filter with coupons
Improved business process filter “Display processes using coupons”. Displays all processes for which the promotional code was used. Works with all ...
2015436676 - Improved section show/find/add products to process
Added the following setting to the section for searching products in stock: Only in stock/Only out of stock
2015439561 - Refinement of variables for the report “Report on the client (document template)”
Variables have been improved for the report constructor block “Report on a client (document template)”: - start_obligation_storageorder -balance at...