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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2015474497 - Improved receipt of requests with Flexby
Improved so that when importing requests from Flexby, the number that the client specified when filling out the request is pulled into the contacts...
3 answer
23.04.2020, 17:31
Comments Design
Now the comments look like "one common canvas". Could you make it more interactive and in bigger font? It is best to do something like a ...
2015473599 - Improvement of quoting letters through the comment feed
In the “Feed of comments” block, the setting “Do not add the author of the comment when quoting” has been improved
2015471545 - Automatic action once a day Set all brands to "Show in customer account"
Added a new automatic action once a day “Set all brands to "Show in client area"”
2015459646 - Improvement of the action “PromUA/Import orders to OneBox”
For the automatic action once a minute “PromUA/Import orders to OneBox”, the ability to specify the number of old orders that need to be loaded int...
2015462791 - Refinement of the block for loading process products
For the block for loading process products, the ability to search for products in the process only by article and update information about the prod...
2015466596 - Process filter “Consignment note number”
The process filter “TTN number” has been improved. In the filter, you can specify several values of the waybill from a new line, as a result, the s...
2015468267 - Refinement of the finance filter by account (account)
In the finance filter by account (account), you could previously select one value. Now the field of this filter is made a multi-box
Using budgets
The box has a budgets section https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/finance/buget/ it reflects the final amounts of balances on each budget. Accrual ...
2015482252 - Improvement of the action “Start process by products”
For the BP action “Start process by products”, the setting “Create a process for each position (not relative to quantity)” has been added. If there...