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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

Viber integration, is chat data saved?
When connecting Viber integration, if the client has deleted all messages in Viber, is information stored in the system by correspondence.
11 replies
05.10.2020, 16:53
Module of additional categories for products
Tell me, is it planned to bring additional categories to the market of the module? So that there is no need to ask you to turn it on.
5 replies
05.10.2020, 16:40
Wrong prices in order 44050
Good afternoon! In order 44050, all selected items have incorrect prices. They do not match the prices on the website. Please correct. And also, pl...
2015651150 - Refinement of the report “Turnover by suppliers”
For the “Turnover by suppliers” report, the setting “Show sales information for the specified period, but take into account receipts for the entire...
24 answer
05.10.2020, 15:35
New mail search by branches and cities
Good afternoon! Rating needed: there are additional process fields associated with the directory of branches and cities of New mail. But when searc...
3 answer
05.10.2020, 15:32
Usability improvements when filtering by dates
Please make presets for dates in the filter. Now it is very inconvenient to navigate through dates. For example, as in Google Adwords http://joxi.r...
2 answer
05.10.2020, 15:28
Obligations to the client (supplier.
Initial: there is an order to the supplier. Automation "Update our commitment to the client" is configured The parameters are set: 100% o...
2015650117 - Refinement of the article and external ID fields in the Journal
The article and external ID fields have been added to the table "details" of the warehouse operations log
2015648623 - Refinement of the block of subprocesses
For the “Block of subprocesses” of the processes interface, the ability to search by fields has been improved
2015649865 - Setting “Calculate final balances on accounts relative to payment currency rates (instead of current exchange rates)”
The system setting “Calculate final balances on accounts relative to payment currency rates (instead of current exchange rates)” has been improved....