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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

2 answer
09.10.2020, 15:45
Access to contacts where I am a related employee
Hello, in the access settings there is a setting option "Access to contacts where I am associated employee" View Manage. Tell me how to u...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
09.10.2020, 14:47
The price of the goods is overwritten when the goods are sold from the warehouse !!! Help please!!!
Product https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/2561/edit/ I set the price https://i.imgur.com/ZFbIznV.png I place an order https://krx77...
8 replies
09.10.2020, 14:30
Warehouse error again (there is a product, but there is no operation)
The error repeats about 1-2 times a day Product example https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/32773/storage/ Occurs at the moment of pos...
4 answer
Please describe the new revision of the red fields in the interface
Good afternoon, please describe the new revision of the red fields in the interface. Is it just a hint that this field is already displayed? Or is ...
3 answer
The filter does not show subcategories in the main category
https://prnt.sc/uw269l parent category id 3399 in the product filter does not show subcategories https://prnt.sc/uw2aco
1 answer
09.10.2020, 13:21
Telegram does not create a process per message
Telegram integration set up https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/telegram/settings/ Enabled action to turn messages into a process https://rozpaku...
5 replies
ID field in business process
http://prntscr.com/uw1r0s Pass "product code" from the field: "Identifier" what is the "ID" field? for some reason di...
2 answer
09.10.2020, 12:22
Settings of the block search for goods of the process
Good afternoon! There is a product name in the format Test table MD-123ASDF-GF, it is necessary that the search also works by the value 123ASDF-GF....
35 replies
09.10.2020, 12:21
Speed of OneBox
Good afternoon. I am your client, I admire and inspire the functionality and capabilities of the system. But there is one nuance that interferes wi...
7 replies
09.10.2020, 12:14
How much will it cost to check if my Box backup is set up correctly? And how much does it cost to set up backups of my box according to your standa...