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Evaluate the refinement of unloading product parameters in xml

For the XML Product Integration (Export) action
We need the ability to form such a structure https://prnt.sc/v17856
I suggest adding https://prnt.sc/v178kg fields and additional fields https://prnt.sc/v178tn in the settings
2 columns:
1) field path (relative to https://prnt.sc/v179ur products)
That is, we specify availabilities / availability
In the name of the field in xml, specify "available" and check the attribute, so it is unloaded like this https://prnt.sc/v17bki
And somehow, maybe by setting "Unload availability as YES/NO"
If we do not check the attribute, then inside the available structure is added as a tag
2) Additional attributes (relative to the specified path)
In this field, we write what should be there https://prnt.sc/v17dxj, that is, we completely write both the attribute and the value like this "storeId="AL"", and if there are several attributes, then you can use a space or a separato
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello! Please tell me, did you solve the issue? we have the same problem. Uploading a price list for kaspi.kz
06.02.2021, 21:35
Original comment available on version: ru

Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
no, until the revision was abandoned
06.02.2021, 21:46
Original comment available on version: ru

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