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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
21.10.2020, 23:51
Why is there a mandatory "name" field in the product API in the /api/product/update/ method
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/standards-main/8/ Required parameter "name" https://prnt.sc/v446mn But what is the logic in the api for fix...
Creating a product from a process
There is an action "Turn a process into a product" A product is created, but the checkbox "Hidden product (Availability time expired...
3 answer
21.10.2020, 19:05
What does action mean
There is an action http://joxi.ru/Dr8RpzyCMKE7q2 . What do the following settings mean: 1. http://joxi.ru/V2VbJ0LikBejw2 2 http://joxi.ru/1A5K0Excb...
2 answer
21.10.2020, 19:02
Product creation
Using the action http://joxi.ru/5mdgVKYC8q5zNr I create a new product in the system. The name of the product becomes the information recorded in th...
4 answer
21.10.2020, 18:40
Frishka 404
Frishka https://weldtech.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/ for some reason began to give a 404 error Lead says it started happening 1-2 weeks ago Gotta fix it
1 answer
21.10.2020, 18:10
Bulk change customer payments
There is a remote contact and he has payments http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/users/177681/payment/ Can I bulk change all payments of this client...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.10.2020, 17:58
Send MMS from OneBox
Tell me pliz Is it possible to send MMS and whether there is a working integration with services. If yes, with which ones?
3 answer
Setting up payment conversion
Now, when importing from a monobank, if the payment is in a currency, then it comes in the format (for example): 3 euros and already in the system ...
4 answer
Rate the finalization of MonoBank
How much will it cost to improve the ability to connect several monobank accounts? Now you can do only 1 integration and there is no place where yo...
Sendpulse bulk mailing. When sent from OneBox, it gets into spam.
I have connected the sendpulse module for mass mailing. On the side of sendpulse and the mailer on my hosting I configured SPF, DKIM and DMARC reco...