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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

6 replies
04.11.2020, 16:09
Action "Send notification by sms Universal action" - please explain and suggest
Hello! We are looking for the opportunity to send SMS once a year when moving to a stage and send it to all contacts except Interest (user.custom_I...
4 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
04.11.2020, 15:46
Fill in default cells for all products
Good afternoon, there is a need for, when ordering a supplier, the cells for the warehouse are automatically affixed for the goods - those in which...
1 answer
04.11.2020, 15:36
Interim balance after each payment
Make a field in the list of payments with an interim account balance in each payment. Like on a bank statement. To be able to see the balance after...
10 replies
04.11.2020, 13:58
Rounding in variables
Rounding is enabled in the system settings. The sum variable {|$e.sum|} ignores this setting https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder...
6 replies
04.11.2020, 13:32
import of onebox goods from outlet
Hello, is it possible to import goods from rozetka and how is it done and configured?
Add additional information to TTN Nova Poshta
Good afternoon! If I check the box next to "Add additional information to the TTN Nova Poshta", then the article and quantity of the good...
1 answer
Contact card interface_codependent fields
The client needs the ability for the contact card to set the value of one field, provided that the other is filled. For example, if I select the va...
1 answer
04.11.2020, 12:53
Advice on loading product brands from OpenCart
When loading product brands from OpenCart, they are loaded by brand name. That is, if you changed the brand name in OpenCart, then it loaded in One...
2 answer
04.11.2020, 12:16
Setting New Mail limits
The setting for new mail limits for the quarter has been improved https://prnt.sc/vd6r61 I have a question about how to increase the limit per quar...
1 answer
04.11.2020, 12:14
how to edit error text
Hello. Tell me how to fix the error text to be more understandable for users. In particular, in the current situation, checking the mandatory filli...