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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

4 answer
Администратор проектов
09.09.2020, 13:40
Give a link to the tariff for buying a server
Hello! Boxing client box.inal.com.ua. You need to rent a server and move the box there. Advise the tariff so that it is enough for 2 years in advan...
2 answer
09.09.2020, 13:03
Automatic completion of additional process fields
Good afternoon! It is necessary that in the process "Customer's order" the additional field "Category" is filled in automat...
11 replies
Администратор проектов
09.09.2020, 12:50
Terms of transition from buyout to lease
There is a client who bought 10 licenses 2 years ago, is hosted on his server and now wants to switch to a cloud plan (10 or 20 users). What are th...
4 answer
09.09.2020, 12:35
Categories are loaded in the wrong place action once per hour Universal product import (xml/json)
Good afternoon. Please tell me why when the checkbox "Do not update information about categories and the category tree (only new categories wi...
2 answer
09.09.2020, 11:59
Is it possible to install 2 pieces of CRM OneBox on one server?
For different areas of online stores, there is a need to run in different OneBox CRMs, the server is rented with a good margin compared to the mini...
6 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
09.09.2020, 11:41
It is inconvenient to write texts in a field with type Text (html)
There is an additional process field with type Text (html) In progress looks like this when filled with text http://prntscr.com/ue4yph But when you...
1 answer
Import of goods on Prom.ua does not work https://prnt.sc/ue4eot in the download file: https://prnt.sc/ue4fon what to do?
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vysokos changed the data in boxing
The administrator's data was changed without permission (https://prnt.sc/ue39vw). It is not clear what other changes were made. Return yak bula...
2 answer
09.09.2020, 10:38
Can't login to Van Box
Good afternoon! can you tell me yesterday in order to leave an appeal on the forum I had to change the password from the Van Box account, now in Va...
1 answer
09.09.2020, 10:28
When importing orders from Simpla CMS, the payment method is not pulled up
Integration with an online store on Simpla CMS is connected. When importing orders from Simpla CMS, the payment method is not pulled into the busin...