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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

6 replies
Rosette integration itself fell off
Good afternoon. Yesterday (22.09) our integration with Rozetka disappeared. Nobody changed anything, then orders stopped coming in today, and we no...
1 answer
23.09.2020, 12:51
Fixing the table header
Setting does not work http://joxi.ru/D2PgJpgsJJ71Pm https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/customorder/order/?filternumber=&f...
8 replies
23.09.2020, 12:30
automatic creation of processes
for the second day in a row, the program creates an automatically linked process, we delete it, and the program creates it again, and so on almost ...
9 replies
23.09.2020, 12:02
looking for instructions for building such a report
Hello. Please tell me, I need a report in the box: 1. Ability to select a period in the report by the date the process was created (from - to) 2. T...
1 answer
23.09.2020, 11:58
multilingual module
OneBox has a multilingual module, it says that it can be translated into German, is it already available? no modifications needed? http://joxi.ru/G...
5 replies
23.09.2020, 11:36
CRON API Documentation
Tell me if you have documentation on your CRON API method? Since calls are not transferred to the client's contact.
3 answer
23.09.2020, 11:12
Sales report (repeatedly)
Good afternoon! The question has been raised before: https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/otchety-i-analitika/1359-otchet-po-prodazham/ but, unfortuna...
10 replies
Missing call popup interface
Hello, one (only one) of the employees does not display the "Call Popup Interface" for incoming, outgoing, internal calls.
Cron work problems after moving to a rental
Crowns work unstable after moving to rent. Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/umalt0
SWAP on the server
https://prnt.sc/um9nnn How can you get into a job? I how to fix the problem