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OneBox user forum

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3 answer
02.10.2020, 15:31
Number of subprocesses in the menu
It is important for us to understand how many business processes are open/closed. Is it possible to put this on the menu? https://prnt.sc/urvq6p
13 replies
json request action pass business process to API
trying to write api request joyson it turns out like this {"id":"3589","phonenumber":"0994259117","api...
3 answer
02.10.2020, 14:32
Subprocess block
1. Please add Search by fields in the "Block of subprocesses" https://prnt.sc/urnvvl 2. Change the display of the block to look like the ...
7 replies
02.10.2020, 14:27
Viber/SMS Turbosms
I live! The system displays a pardon when you select 'Send universal message Viber/SMS Turbosms' http://joxi.net/RmzdB05CMRKkaA http://joxi...
12 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
02.10.2020, 14:05
API request from a Business Process with the result recorded in an additional field/fields.
There was a need to get the number of the Nova Poshta branch and the city of Delivery from the online store on the CS Cart engine. Tell me, is ther...
6 replies
pass business process to API via json
You need to pass two parameters to the server. and he wants a json request. https://blackbox.net.ua/api?data={"id": "3412", &qu...
1 answer
MEDoc integration
Need integration with this service for the formation of tax reporting by the client. Here is what I found by api on their website - https://www.med...
1 answer
02.10.2020, 13:08
Please make the main currency the ruble.
All data when changing the base currency can be deleted if necessary.
Transfer quantity to Prom
You need to transfer the quantity of goods to Prom. But the standard setting transmits the number rounded to hundredths, and the prom swears that t...
2 answer
Report not working