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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

New release
We have been cooperating with the system since January, the integration took about 2-3 months, the functionality of the system is extensive and the...
4 answer
printing a check from Checkbox with a condition
Roughly, we have at least three payment options Cash, Card (the same cash on the card), Bank transfer (from the organization) if the money was rece...
4 answer
write an empty value to the process field
Action "Change the value of a process field depending on another process field" select the field "process method name" and try ...
1 answer
09.10.2020, 21:11
Selecting mail to send
Good afternoon, gmail mail has been added to Email integrations, but when exporting products or sending emil from automatic actions, it comes from ...
14 replies
receipt from Checkbox with likpay payment
the money has not yet fallen into the account, and the commission has already been torn off from them. and the action "Creating a sales receip...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
09.10.2020, 17:00
fix the markup of the process products table
please correct, the markup crashes when changing the value of the product table field here is an example of the process https://box.e-zoo.com.ua/ad...
8 replies
cancel sending SMS
http://prntscr.com/uw5tuz the event is delayed by an hour. how to delete it so that sms is not sent
6 replies
09.10.2020, 16:21
System stopped working, error 502
The system completely stopped working, 502 error. Help solve as soon as possible
The button for selecting by parameters does not work in the mobile version
https://m.pokupay.kiev.ua/ If you go to the product category, let's say https://m.pokupay.kiev.ua/palatki/ - the selection by parameters button...
2 answer
09.10.2020, 15:45
Access to contacts where I am a related employee
Hello, in the access settings there is a setting option "Access to contacts where I am associated employee" View Manage. Tell me how to u...