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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

1 answer
HTTPS certificate not working
https://aspect.crm-onebox.com/admin/ - https://prnt.sc/v73dgw - gives an error that there is no certificate. The subdomain was provided by Box at t...
3 answer
dashboard not working
dashboard not working https://agr-lv.crm-onebox.com/dashboard/
3 answer
26.10.2020, 14:27
Went layout in the bokeh of adding products
http://joxi.ru/YmEgJ7gsMqLjWA before all lines were underlined
Cost re-accounting according to the exchange rate - Evaluate the revision
Estimate the revision, re-evaluate the balance of the warehouse, - the incoming price, according to the exchange rate. All goods are put on arrival...
7 replies
26.10.2020, 13:56
New date format
Where can I change the date format? on hh.mm.yy in the new release it seems you can choose, I can’t find it
Good afternoon! Please update CRM, I don't have CheckBox in the market. Thank you!
3 answer
26.10.2020, 13:13
Output of the knowledge base in the personal account
Set up a page with the output of the knowledge base in the personal account https://crm.tcc.com.ua/doc/ Articles that have a "Public" che...
6 replies
26.10.2020, 12:57
Number of One Box licenses
Hello! Today I saw that in Boxing the number of licenses is one. THREE licenses were purchased. What's the matter?
3 answer
26.10.2020, 12:51
contact card opening speed 2.13 s
Hello, please tell me, we have optimized the server settings Now we have a contact card opening speed of 2.13 seconds Here is a screenshot from the...
3 answer
26.10.2020, 12:49
opening the developer tools, you can see the appearance of errors, tell me - is this normal?
I am attaching a screenshot of the error text.