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OneBox user forum

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Evaluate the revision - Display more information about the posting + In stock
https://prnt.sc/vguo6p now only sum in UAH is displayed. But there is no Quantity. + I need to show the Total in the currency of which the products...
2 answer
10.11.2020, 17:13
Pulling a contact person to the Nova Poshta tab
In the order, when placing a TTN of Nova Poshta, the sender is pulled up https://prnt.sc/vgu0dj It is pulled up according to the default new mail a...
Show document files in progress after update
good afternoon! before the update, we clicked on the file (document) attached to the process and it opened. Now it downloads when clicked. How to m...
9 replies
Refinement: several price levels for one client
Good afternoon! Please evaluate the improvement, which lies in the fact that we can prescribe 2 price levels for one client, and not one. This is n...
1 answer
10.11.2020, 15:52
URGENTLY. System not working 502 error
https://vzuto.crm-onebox.com/cc/ The space must have had 20 GB left a couple of days ago but got 500 error, please fix it.
3 answer
10.11.2020, 15:37
How to bring in excess goods by leather batch?
At vkladtsі Remains of the warehouse the goods are in one line, zagalna kіlkіst goods in the warehouse. On my account, can I list all parts of this...
1 answer
10.11.2020, 15:26
Question about the price of goods from the supplier (different exchange rates)
Good afternoon. Question about product prices Supplier No. 1 has a price in c.u. Supplier No. 2 has a price in c.u. There is a product A from Suppl...
2 answer
10.11.2020, 15:13
no response to tickets
Hello , 2 days there is no support for created requests , when should I expect ? https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/logistics-and-delivery-services/...
3 answer
10.11.2020, 15:09
order name with rosetka
Hello, is it possible to somehow configure the import of the order name from the outlet by analogy with prom and opencart
1 answer
10.11.2020, 15:01
Order data
Is it possible to make the rest and the name of the product clickable - https://prnt.sc/vgr28a And you could see the data of the goods during the t...