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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

5 replies
04.03.2021, 11:14
Justin, don't switch stage
Good afternoon! In orders with Justin's delivery, the status is pulled up but does not switch to stages. There are orders that have already bee...
2 answer
Error in uploading XLS file
in the report "balance change in warehouses" if you upload the file in XLS, then the data in the file is confused, the amount sold and th...
4 answer
04.03.2021, 09:32
upload to xls
Hello, please tell me which parameter in the export settings https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/products/exchange-xls/?searchLine=&ca...
1 answer
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
04.03.2021, 09:04
Not filtering by goods
є product https://ekomora.ua/admin/shop/products/1762823/edit/ what kind of filter that filter value is, if you ask for the product, don’t know htt...
2015750656 - Added integration with Seller-Online
Added integration with Seller-Online. Opportunities: receiving payments. For settings: 1. You need to enable integration in OneBox market; 2. After...
2015751968 - Improved the functionality of the "Print price tag" action
Added the setting "Print price tags by piece, not by position" to the "Print price tag" action
2015750338 - Added new automatic action
Added a new automatic action once per hour "Close access to business processes and statuses for the specified roles". In an action, you c...
2015752313 - Added a setting to the "Recent client business processes" block
Added setting "Ignore the current process" for the process interface block "Recent customer business processes".
10 replies
03.03.2021, 21:51
Import products from Opencart to Onebox
It is necessary to import products (one-time) from Opencart to Onebox with categories, photos, descriptions, filters and characteristics (attributes)
2 answer
03.03.2021, 20:56
Upgrading the boxed system ONBOX to the newest.
Please update the onebox box system to the newest one.