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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

In the order to the supplier, additional expenses will be required in writing in the warehouse operations in the amount of the purchase of goods
In the order to the supplier, you need additional expenses yakі will be in writing in warehouse operations in the sum of the purchase of goods Butt...
1 answer
Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection refused in /var/www/newalphademocrm/web1/web/packages/ConnectionManager/ConnectionManager_MySQLi.class.php:44
Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Connection refused in /var/www/newalphademocrm/web1/web/packages/ConnectionManage...
2015694958 - Improved the functionality of the "Submit form" action
For the "Submit form" action, a multi-setting "Additionally send the form to email depending on the value of the additional field&qu...
13 replies
17.12.2020, 22:42
Spacing between blocks in the site template
How can I increase the distance between the Add to cart button and neighboring blocks Qty. product and Wishlist and Compare in site template? As a...
5 replies
Use linkkey when searching for a product. If this checkbox is enabled, products will only be searched by linkkey
Hello, please explain what it means to search only by linkkey!? The meaning of this setting is not clear. Which is in automation
advise on subscription to boxing updates
consult on the moment of subscribing to updates from monthly payment - the price for my case annual subscription immediately better by phone
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.12.2020, 21:39
Forum Answers
Now, when there are comments under the post on the Forum, A separate email is sent for each post. You can make it so that the answers are not sent...
8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.12.2020, 20:55
Refinement - integration with instagram without intermediary services
Please rate and suggest a solution, how do you do *** Here is the API https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/?locale=ru_RU works with I...
18 replies
17.12.2020, 18:35
additional process product field
Hello, I created a field and set the setting https://box.optodess.com.ua/admin/shop/orderproductfield/52/ but it is not filled https://box.optodess...
5 replies
17.12.2020, 17:21
Why doesn't it load products from the xml file, but only creates categories?!
Here are the links of the ones I tried to download from: http://poolparty.ua/files/POOLPARTY-XML.xml https://distributions.com.ua/price_list/produc...