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OneBox user forum

Use the OneBox user forum to get the answer to any of your questions. More than 200 employees and partners answer your questions within OneBox community daily

4 answer
Managers and service stopped seeing attachments
From today, the Managers and service groups stopped seeing attachments in the order header. process example https://tcbs.crm-onebox.com/60015/ Ther...
3 answer
09.05.2024, 19:59
Does not work
There are no instructions, the tick method did not help. It's sad here.
5 replies
08.05.2024, 20:40
Switch to OS
Good afternoon, we have OneBox MVP (boxed version) on a third-party server, how to switch to the OS and what server parameters are required
2 answer
Orders from Promo are not imported, the status is error
I am attaching a screenshot of the error. Tell me who knows what options there are?
4 answer
OneBox mail is not working due to spam
We have configured mail from our server to ONEBox https://techprilad.1b.app/desktop/ But OneBOX mail stopped working due to the following error ...
3 answer
07.05.2024, 10:51
Install ssl certificate
Good afternoon. Box https://crm.meblevakimnata.ua/, you need to update the already reissued certificate in OneBox. Mail for invoice - office@meblev...
6 replies
02.05.2024, 17:56
Syntax in the "formula" field
Is it possible to use arithmetic operations in the formula field? What is the correct syntax?
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
02.05.2024, 15:06
504 error, we cannot view the report Turnover by suppliers for April 2024
Good afternoon, we cannot filter the report for the month of April, 504 error, please help to fix: Link to the report with the filter for April th...
2 answer
02.05.2024, 14:15
Install the Google Maps plugin
Hello everyone, who can help install the google maps plugin for the website https://tradernew.pro/, I can't understand how to do it, there is acces...
Action "Write a document"
Good day! Order example https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/26349/ https://prnt.sc/j1VVOqcuFsKw, https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/admin/shop/workflowstatu...