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List of related questions and answers «Utilities and settings»

2 answer
18.09.2023, 09:45
Np loading CRM. "Out of space" error
When loading CRM, the error “Uncaught ConnectionManager_Exception: Cannot connect to database: Too many connections in /var/www/boxtrudovikcomu/web...
3 answer
15.09.2023, 09:33
Need to clean MVP
Good day. Colleagues, please help. Who can clean the MVP, slow down the monster...
3 answer
01.09.2023, 11:01
https://univer.1b.app/ guys, the minute cron is not working, look at what the problem is please
The server of SIGMA SOLUTIONS LLC is not working for the second day. EDRPOU code 39408491. The fixed manager cannot be contacted
Good day. The server of SIGMA SOLUTIONS LLC has been down for the second day. Code EDRPOU 39408491. The fixed manager cannot be contacted Best r...
6 replies
25.08.2023, 10:24
No access to the system
Can't login
3 answer
Glitch - After changing to a higher currency, it can change itself to a smaller one within a day
During this week, the exchange rate of the dollar was changed several times, increasing it. As the day went by, we opened this page and it turned o...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
24.08.2023, 11:21
Change the main currency from hryvnia to zloty
Here in this project https://iivancom.1b.app/32/ Please change the main currency.
1 answer
14.08.2023, 16:27
Space is running out
Good day, the free disk space in the cloud is running out. Please help with cleaning
3 answer
09.08.2023, 12:38
Installing SSL
Good day. You need to reinstall the certificate at box.chinim.com.ua
1 answer
07.08.2023, 15:58
Is it possible to restore a company from a backup?
I see that there are backups in the company's settings, but I don't see a button to restore to the desired date.