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List of related questions and answers «Utilities and settings»

1 answer
02.03.2025, sunday, 00:19
The "Delete Old Files" action deletes manually downloaded Business Process icons
In the drop-down list in the action, the icons do not logically belong to the file categories. And there is no need to delete them after some time....
Пользователь готов заплатить за решение 5$
Crowns hung
Good day! https://kiyservice.1b.app/app/system-statistic/ tonight, for some reason the crowns stopped working Can you please take a look? Search al...
3 answer
24.02.2025, 23:38
DoraDobtka: Launch hotkey depending on user/role
Please help me solve the problem by improving it. It is necessary that the same key (for example, "F3" - creating a new order) launches different a...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
18.02.2025, 17:12
Time change in Boxing
Please change the time zone in Box https://babalab.1b.app/desktop/ to UTC+1 Poland. Thank you!
2 answer
07.02.2025, 16:08
Unintelligible letters arrive in the mail
Email from OneBox with the subject "Slow issues on Back-end developer" and the message "https://domain.1b.app/NNNNN/ - hanging for N hours" What is...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
07.02.2025, 10:58
How to specify a name in multiple languages ​​in an additional process field
Multilingualism enabled Two languages ​​are used: - Ukrainian - Polish It is required that the name of additional process fields is...
8 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.02.2025, 19:26
Set the main currency - Polish zlotys
There is no Polish zloty option when deploying the box. At the same time, there is a ruble :( You need to put the main currency in this box icts....
CRM does not work!
Good afternoon https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/desktop/ Crm won't start Please look into the reason Before this we filtered this report https://ukro...
3 answer
27.01.2025, 21:42
Need to clear data in system 52gb
It is unclear what files occupy 52 GB of data in the system and continue to occupy memory space at high speed (2-3 GB), despite the fact that few o...
2 answer
24.01.2025, 09:06
CRM won't load. Error: "You may have run out of disk space"
CRM box.trudovik.com.ua does not load. Error "Probably out of disk space" But yesterday there was plenty of space.