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List of related questions and answers «Supplier and price list management»

3 answer
03.01.2023, 13:53
Action PromUA / Switch the stage if the order status on prom.ua has changed
The action runs once per minute. since prom customers have the ability to cancel orders themselves , and it is necessary to check the payment befo...
7 replies
03.01.2023, 12:03
PromUA / Import orders to OneBox - Phone number in order prom
https://rivcont.info/ 1. The customer's phone number is 3809******20 in the order. 2. A contact was added to the order, which was found by client's...
6 replies
25.12.2022, 15:14
Price download history
Please display a button to go to the section Price download history on the main page in the Suppliers and Prices application. In MVP, this tab has ...
2 answer
23.12.2022, 16:22
SOS! The price of the product has not been recalculated since December 6
https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/product/10224/edit/ what is the reason? Automation has been set up for several years, everything has alw...
2 answer
16.12.2022, 16:39
How to export goods from prom to caste?
How to export goods from prom to caste?
2 answer
13.12.2022, 15:31
VERY IMPORTANT! Orders do not come from PROM.ua
Guys, I beg you to see what is the reason, orders from Prom have not been received since 12/10/2012. Due to the constant interruption in the light,...
2 answer
11.12.2022, 16:02
export of availability and prices via api prom
The solution was in this thread: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-price-platforms-and-marketplaces/15539...
2 answer
integration does not work
The integration stopped working, what could be the reason?
1 answer
02.12.2022, 14:34
Importing goods to Rozetka
Good afternoon! Is it possible to somehow integrate the new additional fields into the Rosette import file/link? Import for the Rozetka is formed b...
4 answer
21.11.2022, 15:40
Tell me on which version of the system it is possible to implement the rozetka update
There is an api https://api-seller.rozetka.com.ua/apidoc/#api-Octopus, previously they gave an estimate regarding the implementation of the update....