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List of related questions and answers «Managing Documents and Document Templates»

1 answer
26.01.2022, 08:58
File not created for document [3]
Previously there was a question for January 6th https://1b.app/ru/forum/documents/12633-ne-sozdaet-fayl-na-dokument--avtomatiche... Please tell me...
1 answer
24.01.2022, 13:17
Displaying a Document Page in Landscape Orientation
There was already a question https://1b.app/ru/forum/documents/12815-podstavlenie-teksta-v-tablitse-vertikaln... on the vertical arrangement of the ...
2 answer
22.01.2022, 10:52
How to display values in monetary format (1000.00) when generating a document. With two decimal places.
In the document template, I display the values of the price of the goods (the product field) and, for example, Reduction (an additional product fie...
9 replies
21.01.2022, 14:07
Contract Variables
Good afternoon. I am creating a contract template and ran into a problem with the output of variables. I have variables in legal entities (for exam...
9 replies
20.01.2022, 18:35
Substituting text in a table vertically
There is a document template https://ultracash.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/14/control/ It specifies a parameter for text writing-m...
Page break
how to insert a page break into a template so that a certain part of the text is printed from a new page in the browser. I tried to insert differen...
1 answer
12.01.2022, 16:18
Does not create a link to the document
Asked a question before https://1b.app/ru/forum/documents/12633-ne-sozdaet-fayl-na-dokument--avtomatiche... but they didn’t answer for a week, ple...
18 replies
06.01.2022, 14:19
Does not create a file on the document (automatically)
There is such a process https://nudefood.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/dostavka/931668/edit/ He passed the stage At this stage there is a proce...
1 answer
04.01.2022, 13:50
OS: Poor quality when printing price tags/labels
Please help me to solve the problem with printing labels. We often use small format price tags (20x30 mm; 30x50 mm, etc.), and display a barcode on...
Document template variable product name in English
Setting up an Invoice template, please help with variables There is a product name in English, (multilanguage is configured in the product, the nam...