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List of related questions and answers «Manage contacts and database of clients and leads»

4 answer
Personal license
21.05.2024, 16:09
Improvement of the application "Import export of contacts"
The possibility of Export and Import of Bonus contacts needs to be improved Please rate: 1) when exporting, download the total number of bonus cont...
0 replies
Phone auto-formatting settings
Good afternoon Tell me how to add “+” before the phone number code in the “Phone auto-formatting settings” section? The task is to transmit the p...
1 answer
09.04.2024, 10:43
need the ability to add short names to the name in the "phone" field
Good day, for convenience, it is very necessary to add the possibility to add Name in the field "Telephone" in the contact card. It is already poss...
2 answer
08.04.2024, 22:06
BAG. Sorting in the table does not work correctly
Added an additional field to the "Date and time of the last event" process, where relevant data is recorded. When I select automatic sorting by thi...
8 replies
13.02.2024, 14:12
Filter by group
Tell me how to filter contact groups in contact reports?
Server not responding error 500
Good day! we have been having a lot of boxing for the last 3 days. Everyone works remotely and everyone has the same problem. In the morning it was...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.02.2024, 12:06
Finances, the number of orders from companies in the holding is incorrectly displayed
Good afternoon, we noticed that the number of orders for companies in the holding is not displayed correctly in the Finances block of the client's ...
1 answer
08.01.2024, 18:39
I can't configure opendatabot
Good afternoon I did it from the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPvMh78h_BA&t=3s - installed the key and settings in the integration: https...
0 replies
23.12.2023, 08:31
Contact address disappears
The address disappears during certain actions in the contact card
2 answer
Група активної реабілітації, Голова правління
08.12.2023, 09:44
Enlarge contact photo
Good day! We maintain a database of contacts with photos, you need to see the photo in full size and with the possibility of enlarging it without ...