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List of related questions and answers «Lead source management»

1 answer
17.09.2021, 15:29
Improvement of the action "Turn Instagram Direct message (i2crm) into a chat"
action Turn Instagram Direct message (i2crm) into a chat, now you can choose only whom to create a chat with, is it possible to finalize the setti...
5 replies
14.09.2021, 14:55
Sample request in Google Analytics ("Submit data to Google Analytics" action)
Good afternoon! Please send an example of a request to Google Analytics, which is passed by the "Send data to Google Analytics" action. F...
1 answer
Sending 2 forms at once_2
https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/other/10487-otpravka-2-h-form-srazu/ - there was a consultation and an answer It was about action_block_status_f...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
06.09.2021, 11:46
OS - add source imports
Now it is not possible to import sources from the old system Please add to OS the ability to import through the File Storage application
32 answer
05.08.2021, 10:07
Question about the action "Submit data to Google Analytics"
Good afternoon! At a certain stage, there is an action "Send data to Google Analytics", the data is transferred to the analytics, but not...
11 replies
02.08.2021, 14:15
parent source
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/source/ There is a source and it has sub-sources A subsource is written in the process, I need to pull t...
1 answer
Login error via Instagram
When trying to log in quickly through Instagram Getting error Please correct.
6 replies
10.06.2021, 14:47
Facebook Leads
A few months ago, Facebook integration with boxing failed. Leads are not automatically entered into the system, they must be entered only manually....
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
12.04.2021, 09:40
One-Click FaceBook Integration
I have a question for the developers Now, in order to set up OneBox integration with FaceBook, you have to dance with a tambourine for a long time ...
facebook connection
Facebook connection required. where you can see how it will look like (entering questions in the messenger, comments, whether it is possible to set...