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List of related questions and answers «Lead source management»

Product selection field. How to setup?
How to correctly configure the output of the field with the choice of goods in the form? The product was created, credited to the warehouse, the qu...
8 replies
14.04.2022, 10:55
Is there an analogue of i2CRM?
Good afternoon! Tell me, is there an analogue of i2CRM for Instagram? Or maybe it will appear in the near future?
3 answer
12.04.2022, 22:05
To create a question on the form, you need to go through 7 circles of hell
The question creation form is terribly buggy!!!
1 answer
28.03.2022, 16:09
Fields filled in incorrectly
here https://timelearn.1b.app/form/0/3/ fields are filled incorrectly. The value was set, but it was as if it did not exist and the scale is not fi...
4 answer
07.02.2022, 14:51
messages are not sent
Hello, we have not sent messages from instagram for 3 days. We: 1. connected the integration again 2. contacted their tech support 3. checked wheth...
4 answer
29.01.2022, 15:58
Improvement: in the i2CRM application - add the ability to upload an avatar
Guys, please add to the i2CRM application the ability to receive a user's profile picture. According to the logs, I see that this data is being...
2 answer
27.01.2022, 09:32
Improvement for the action "Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)"
Good afternoon! For the action on the "Send a message to Instagram Direct (i2crm)" steps, you need to add the ability to send files (in t...
3 answer
25.01.2022, 10:57
Integration with Yandex Forms
Is there a ready-made integration with Yandex forms? it is necessary to receive data in the box about the user who filled out the Questionnaire in ...
2 answer
24.01.2022, 19:15
installation error
I am attaching the screenshot of the error
5 replies
14.12.2021, 17:21
OS: Pictures do not come to the process
Guys, if the user sends a message to direct and the first message is of the type "picture" (file), "post", link or something el...