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1 answer
04.08.2022, 09:58
Removing a product process
An action is needed that, when moving from process to process, would delete products with the selected additional features in the parent process. p...
1 answer
Personal license
25.07.2022, 12:24
Passing field values to description or subtask name
Good afternoon! Tell me, is it possible to pass the values of the process fields to the variable by the action "Create subtask" in the na...
2 answer
Payments do not reach, orders do not load, order statuses do not switch
project https://stimul.crm-onebox.com/ see what's up
3 answer
19.07.2022, 10:18
Hide process display methods
When opening a list of processes, it is possible to change the way it is displayed on a table, list, etc. Is it possible to remove or restrict disp...
1 answer
15.07.2022, 14:40
Error while scanning products
https://crm.dobavki.ua/ We work with scanners, errors are regularly generated when adding products To show, recorded 2 videos, attached them.
1 answer
13.07.2022, 22:55
Bonding process and product field
Example: There is a process field, let's say the value is "test" There are process products, the product has an article, let's sa...
1 answer
28.06.2022, 15:34
Errors after upgrading to MVP
1. There is no binding in the order to the supplier to the customer's order. Here is a test order https://crm.marketmebeli.com/admin/customorde...
File upload block in progress not working
Good afternoon. The block for loading goods from a file does not work in the "Goods arrival" process. Those. I select a file, but it is n...
Srm DOES NOT WORK!!! Orders stopped coming and statuses are being translated
Orders stopped coming and statuses are being translated https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
06.06.2022, 11:11
Not convenient date and time selection on PWA phone
Here https://ysbeauty.1b.app/6746/ if you log in from your phone (Figure 1) in the "Time and date of recording" field. The problem is tha...