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List of related questions and answers «Client cabinets»

2 answer
17.08.2023, 15:19
Bug. The ability to select the delivery method from the drop-down list in the personal account has disappeared
Settings here https://box.yerocolors.com/admin/shop/boxclient/16/interface/?groupid=18 Login with this user https://box.yerocolors.com/app/contact/...
7 replies
13.07.2023, 19:37
Add the ability to load icons in the LC menu
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/box-client/menu/block/settings/ Add the ability to load icons from a file (Fig. 1). How many hours does it take to...
3 answer
27.06.2023, 11:31
Redirect after successful registration
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/14/interface/ You need to add a setting that will redirect the client to the link after successful...
Placing an order in the shopping cart for a customer company
Good afternoon Is it possible to evaluate the improvement for the "basket" section in your account now it is possible to place an order only for an...
2 answer
09.06.2023, 12:45
Unable to delete block in personal account
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?groupid=16&workflow... Unable to delete document list block When you t...
3 answer
23.05.2023, 11:51
Automatic generation of a password when activating a personal account for a client
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/registration/ When registering and activating an account, an email with activation and login, password and activa...
4 answer
03.04.2023, 14:37
500 error when going to the stage in cab. client
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/order/43857/ From under the client https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/44/ in Ukrainian. language. If we click "Con...
1 answer
22.03.2023, 12:34
Visualize account activation error
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/activation/ When you click on the "Activate" button, if the data is incorrect or empty fields, no error...
16 replies
09.03.2023, 14:24
Please fix the bug. Half a year the topic hangs, no result. How long can you wait?
Please help me fix the bug. The topic has been hanging for half a year, but the bug has not been fixed. https://1b.app/ru/forum/client-cabinets/157...
7 replies
02.03.2023, 10:39
The file type field in the client's cabinet is displayed as the path to it
The file type field in the client's cabinet is displayed as the path to it. The problem is precisely in the block with the "Universal client block...