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List of related questions and answers «List of 2022 OneBox OS changes»

2015949740 - Added a setting to the action "Replace the product in the process with the materials from which it is composed"
For the action "Replace the product in the process with the materials of which it is composed" a setting has been added, which allows to ...
2015945536 - Added report on sold goods
Added the Top 100 report, which shows a sample of the 100 products that sold the most over a period of time.
2015949730 - Added settings for displaying products in the client's cabinet
In the client's account, a product description is added to the Product Name field by default. Added a setting that allows you not to display th...
2015950173 - Added variable to API
Added a variable for the API: orderproductcurrencyid, which allows you to pass the currency to the process.
2015949794 - The integration functionality with Zadarma has been improved
For integration with Zadarma, the ability to pass information about the customer's call thanks to variables has been added.
2015943373 - Added integration with Prozorro service
Added automatic notification once a day "Prozorro / Request a tender by contacts from a group"
2015945535 - The report "Table of final sums of payments and the number of processes in the specified statuses" was revised
The "One column - one day (if a period is selected or filtered)" setting has been added to the "Table of sums of payments and the nu...
2015945539 - Added settings to the report "Table of final sums of payments and the number of processes in the specified statuses"
For the report "Table of total sums of payments and the number of processes in the specified statuses" the setting "Use one line not...
2015948554 - The formation of numbers in the document template has been improved
Added the ability to use the construction for variables: {variable[#2sep:,thsep: ]} where #2 is the number of signs of the fractional part; sep:, -...
2015945195 - Added dashboard block
The "Table with information on employee communications" block has been added to the dashboard - it displays information on employee commu...