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List of related questions and answers «List of 2022 OneBox OS changes»

2015900310 - Updated in the section "Import of goods from ERC"
For dії "Import of goods from ERC" the following was added: - do not create new products, but add them to the linking table; - write down...
2015904071 - Added option to change the status of the box in the fallow to the status of Rosette
Added a new action "Switch the stage, as if the status of the application in Rozetka has changed". Allows you to change the status in One...
2015904073 - Added on the completion of the work with documents
A button for downloading the exel version of the document has been added to the document block.
2015903890 - Added functionality for "Record the quantity of the product, as you can enter in the additional field for the product"
For the task "Write down the amount of the product, how you can enter it in the additional field for the product", the possibility was ad...
2015904208 - Updated in the "Import application from Magento" section
For the section "Importing the application from Magento", the option "Way to the new address of the process (rozdіlyuvach /, because...
2015903721 - Added checkbox field
For the additional field for the process product with the tick type, it is possible to put a tick or tick a single tick on all positions.
2015902841 - Added functionality of integration with CS-cart
For integration with CS-cart, the option "Add a voucher when you claim a gift certificate as a fictitious product" has been added.
2015903403 - Added filter to call constructor
Added a filter for displaying information by role for the call constructor
2015902798 - Extended API
In the API, the ability to import TTN for another IR register from a merchant has been added. Changes: novaposhtattnprint and novaposhtasheet
2015902633 - Added fields to the dialog "Copy the field value from the Batkiv process or into the process values"
The following fields were added to the "Copy field value from the Batkiv process or to the process value" dialog: [costs] - Additional vi...