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List of related questions and answers «List of 2020 OneBox MVP changes»

2015818491 - Improved cs-cart integration functionality
1. added a setting to import orders from cs-cart "Receive orders in the status "in progress" (when the client chose to pay online, b...
2015811184 - Added price recalculation setting
Added system setting "When recalculating prices for a warehouse, consider both the supplier and the warehouse. Ignore the rule if the supplier...
2015812546 - Added settings to the "Balance forecast and purchase calculation" report
The following settings have been added for the report constructor block "Standard forecast and purchase calculation": 1. When creating an...
2015817809 - Improved the functionality of the action "Send a request via api"
For the "Send a request via api" action, the "Path to an array of images" setting has been added - here you need to specify ima...
2015818814 - Improved the functionality of the report "Change in balance in warehouses"
For the report (located in the report designer) "Change in balance by warehouses", the ability to filter by additional product fields has...
2015817519 - Added BP action for working with products
The new action of the business process "Prohibit adding a product depending on the values of additional product fields" has been improved.
2015811761 - Improved the functionality of the action "Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met"
For the action "Calculate and write the value in an additional field if the conditions are met" the field "Weight of the package Nov...
2015814244 - Added settings to the action "Export products in YML format"
Added settings for the "Export products in YML format" action: Take the description from the additional field of the product; Take the na...
2015814340 - Added integration with Tocan
Allows you to connect the ability to work with the logistics automation service and build routes tocan. Capabilities: - export orders from OneBox t...
2015815783 - Improved document printing functionality
For the "Print by template" interface block, the "Print documents of its subprocesses under the process" setting has been added