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List of related questions and answers «List of 2018 OneBox Revolution changes»

2014766031 - Improved mass setting of tasks
Added the ability to attach a file to the description in the bulk process creation window
2014741111 - Improved action "Prom.UA/Import products"
The automatic action once a day “PromUA/Import products” has been updated with the setting “Do not reset the product discount”.
2014764915 - Improved action "Credit / write off the amount or % of the process amount to the budget"
Previously, the action worked with currencies like this: The action settings specify the currency in which the amount should be credited. The payme...
2014766658 - Refinement of photo update from PromUA
Changed the logic of the image import checkbox (in automatic action once a day “PromUA/Import products”) Works like this: Queue image updates only ...
2014757942 - Improved integration with opencart (user import)
In the automatic action once a minute “Import users from opencart”, the setting “Search contacts by linkkey” was added. It is necessary so that if ...
2014765671 - Improved search functionality
In the global search, it is now possible to search by return shipping waypoint
2014762370 - Added the ability to round the price level to whole tens
In the price settings, it became possible to round up to tens with the condition <=4 - down, >=5 - up
2014764443 - Improved settings for the action "Export products in YML format"
For the automatic action once per hour "Export products in YML format", the checkbox "Unload products out of stock" has been im...
2014759081 - Export of balances by barcode
Improved automatic action once per hour: “Export of balances by barcode to json for the price platform kasta.ua” There is a choice of categories, b...
2014761147 - Improved the functionality of the bulk changes/import products window
1. A field has been added to the bulk changes window with the choice of availability from the supplier: Works like this: select the products for wh...