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List of related questions and answers «Workflows»

3 answer
02.03.2021, 13:32
How to highlight only the same products in the table?
Hello! Tell. I want that in the BP, namely in the table of goods, only the same goods are highlighted. I set the "Highlight values" setti...
1 answer
01.03.2021, 13:15
Action - Exclude from observers in progress, except for those selected
Something is not working right. https://prnt.sc/10a9kqb
1 answer
01.03.2021, 11:08
Prompt notification action
Faced a problem. We set up the BP in such a way that the legal entity is initially set as responsible. But at the same time, observers are added to...
2 answer
Is it possible to make sure that not all payment and delivery methods are shown in the BP, but only certain ones.
Is it possible to make sure that not all payment and delivery methods are shown in the BP, but only certain ones.
1 answer
"send SMS" action settings error
- transition time to the process and settings to the stage. - stage settings wanted to delete sms. - but there was no delay of 15 minutes. why?
15 replies
26.02.2021, 16:47
Automation of products Fill in the product card based on the materials of the passport
Good afternoon. Tell me, is it possible to automatically start recalculating the price of the finished product when the price of the component chan...
3 answer
26.02.2021, 11:51
Step Actions
It would be very cool if there were such opportunities in Boxing on the action page: 1. View the content of the action (as in the action menu) http...
1 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
26.02.2021, 09:02
Operations with dates
Whether it is possible to write down in a variable only year from date?
4 answer
25.02.2021, 18:38
Sending Telegram messages
Good afternoon. In the send Telegram message action, we encountered such a problem, when using the name variable in the text, which is the full nam...
12 replies
25.02.2021, 14:36
Vidkriti process
Good day. The process was shut down by the milk, I can’t vodkriti nі mass dієyu, nі dієyu at the stage. https://difreight.crm-onebox.com/admin/cust...