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List of related questions and answers «Workflows»

4 answer
"Value in payment_method column in opencart" are the same, but "Payment method in OneBox" are different
Hello! Tell me why "Value in the payment_method column in opencart" are the same https://prnt.sc/100mpx2 , and "Payment method in On...
5 replies
Тзов Екомора
Personal license
19.02.2021, 10:35
Incorrect work of the functional according to the order of the goods entered on the phone
We have a big box that allows you to create and ship goods to the required power supply.https://prnt.sc/100lnof /prnt.sc/100lrg2 but I press contin...
10 replies
18.02.2021, 15:56
The system does not see the PSU
I'm trying to create a new order. 1. I choose the parent process 2. I choose the necessary PSU 3. I fill in all the required fields. 4. I click...
3 answer
18.02.2021, 15:43
Changes to product table display settings are not saved
I go into the BP settings, try to configure the display of the product table, uncheck the box "Do not suggest products in the name field"...
11 replies
18.02.2021, 15:37
COMMENTS FEED: ability to delete comments if lifetime is less than 15 minutes (creation date within 15 minutes)
Hello. Question under section TAPE COMMENTS:. Often we need to correct comments that are no older than 15 minutes from the time of creation. Users ...
11 replies
Business processes are not created
In BP https://crm.infosaver.ru/admin/shop/workflowstatus/137/action/new/ the action "Create a subtask depending on the value of the process da...
10 replies
17.02.2021, 17:07
Evaluate the revision: marking the print output of the document
Good afternoon! Please rate the improvement. It is necessary to receive information in the BP and the BP log - whether the document was printed or ...
telegram notifications
Hello. Is it possible to modify the setting for selecting the type of notifications to be uploaded in this action?
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
17.02.2021, 16:45
Launched a task from a pop-up window of a call to KyivStar
We called from a phone that was not in the database Created this task from a popup window box2.technosite.com.ua/admin/customorder/lead/855/edit/ b...
1 answer
17.02.2021, 09:45
Typo in action description
typo in word "expected" in action - https://prnt.sc/ztrc1j