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List of related questions and answers «Workflows»

4 answer
18.08.2020, 16:12
How and who will check whether the physical shipment was made correctly
So who will check the worker in the warehouse, whether he correctly collected the order? Basically it's done like this: An employee collects a ...
7 replies
18.08.2020, 15:01
Shipment + check
good afternoon friends https://prnt.sc/u1l39n We make a shipment on an order that has already been paid. We go into the upload business process and...
3 answer
16.07.2020, 09:43
Add the ability to admin comment actions
Add the ability to write a comment to an action on the screen for adding actions to a stage. For example, in the stage of 30 actions, the administr...
Ability to switch by role
Please improve the ability to change the value of a process field depending on another process field, the ability to switch the responsible person ...
1 answer
21.05.2020, 22:20
SMS sending status in Business process
Good afternoon! Please add the ability to display the status of the sent SMS in the business process.
Improve Action
We have an action at the BP stage "Check the fields are full". In it, we mark with daws which fields need to be checked. If the client ha...
Copying procedures from one PSU to another with all settings.
Make it possible to copy procedures from one PSU to another with all the settings. Now you need to copy (transfer) everything manually, and if at l...
3 answer
Comments to BP via hotkeys
Please add the ability to leave comments to the BP through the mountains. keys (eg Ctrl+Enter). Now you can leave only by clicking the Save button....
5 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
25.04.2019, 08:59
Search in actions for parts of words, like in GP
Now, in order to find some kind of action, in the action library http://prntscr.com/ngkbg7 you need to guess the words, and if multilingualism is a...
1 answer
05.04.2019, 17:47
Working with business processes
1. Make sorting of groups and business processes NOT by name, but at the request of the user. 2. Add the ability to collapse business process group...