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List of related questions and answers «Business Processes and Automation»

recopy the fields after the specified time interval
There was such a problem, I need the record of the status of new mail to be regularly updated in the additional field of the process. Regular re-en...
How to populate a field depending on another?
How to make it so that, depending on the field "Legal entity (order.order_contractorid)" which is already filled in, an additional field is filled ...
During testing and training in the system, I downloaded the prices of suppliers, as there are many points that need to be corrected or adjusted for...
8 replies
21.05.2023, 19:07
Improvement needed: display all organizations of one Supplier in the BP in the Payments block
Guys, we need improvement and your help in the issue of Payments and Suppliers. Very often I encounter the same situation when the same Supplier ha...
6 replies
Evaluation of the finalization of the functionality of the form for drawing
Hello developers. Please rate the functionality update. Required functionality: You need to add a button to the business process. Which will open a...
Can you please tell me by what action the field "Customer's full name (order.order_clientname)" can be copied to the Additional field?
Can you please tell me by what action the field "Customer's full name (order.order_clientname)" can be copied to the Additional field? Or the secon...
How to delete a mistakenly created company?
Congratulations! Created a company by mistake. How can I remove it? thank you
Payment block display
Is it possible to somehow hide the block of payments depending on the role? Any universal block has such functionality, but I don't see it in t...
2 answer
12.05.2023, 08:50
Is it possible to be notified when a comment is sent to an employee?
Is it possible for the employee to receive a message only in the case of a comment sent for him (via @) in BP? That is, if someone simply wrote a c...
8 replies
11.05.2023, 14:18
please tell me which action updates the contact field type date
Good day. Please tell me which action updates the contact field type date "Update". When moving to a stage, the "Update" field must be updated in t...