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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

1 answer
02.03.2023, 12:19
Does not search for goods by barcode
Good afternoon. We encountered a problem, in the products you can not find all positions by the barcode of the product. For example barcode 3000000...
4 answer
02.03.2023, 00:41
Webp pictures from the link stopped loading
Congratulations. A week ago, the box used to download webp product images via a link when adding a product, but now it has stopped. Why did this h...
4 answer
The Expected Arrival column in the Products table
Good afternoon, We have an Expected arrival column in the Products table. In that column, we display products ordered from suppliers. But for some ...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.02.2023, 13:29
Where to review the history of actions with the product card
The previous version had a special tab. Where now to see what changes and who made the product card?
10 replies
The product card has been changed, it's not quite manual
For some reason, the product card began to look different. The fields in the "General information" block have been compressed, now it is not conven...
1 answer
13.02.2023, 10:11
Import Crushing into the Process Options product block
How is it possible to import Crushing into the Process Options product block?
3 answer
Personal license
08.02.2023, 15:32
The product card does not show the price change
Product https://znaide.1b.app/app/product/33554/edit/, customized automation for calculating Price Levels automation was started in the product, i...
3 answer
30.01.2023, 20:24
Bug: unable to select product category
I select a product, for example https://elvatech.1b.app/app/product/41/edit/ , category I click save, but the category does not change. I did not ...
BUG Language error in category list
Translated the name of the categories into English and Ukrainian MOV now in the product card in the drop-down menu in the list of categories they a...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
20.01.2023, 13:42
Error - When the product category was renamed, this category does not work correctly
On this box: balistyka.1b.app Created a category, but then changed its name /app/product/category/3/ She was a Composer, she became a Composer Box ...