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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

Tree (path) of finding a product in the catalog
Is it possible to make the path of the folder with the product in the Catalog visible? in the previous box, it was convenient that the product cou...
How to remove Product Analogs in the new Box?
I can’t figure it out, in the old one, when you choose, there was a check mark to delete and save. there is no such thing here
5 replies
Products in multiple categories
Good evening, How can I set up a product card to show products in multiple categories? And what will happen to the products that are unloaded at th...
1 answer
25.08.2021, 10:57
Production cost
Product example https://mariemur.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/30588/edit/ He has a passport, we carry out production in processes according t...
3 answer
24.08.2021, 13:19
Bug. OneBox OS does not automatically pull up values from the filter reference
Values from the reference for filters are not automatically pulled up Although everything is written down and there are values in the directory (F...
9 replies
23.08.2021, 16:39
Disabling a filter (attribute) of a product
Guys, the goal is to "knock out" the goods through the filter. Example, there is a product "Jacket", with the filter "colo...
4 answer
22.08.2021, 10:48
A bug in the product card
Good day, in the "general information about the product" block, instead of the text of the supplier's delivery, the number of goods f...
2 answer
17.08.2021, 13:49
Remove barcodes of all products
Good afternoon, please tell me how to remove all barcodes from the box as quickly as possible? (for all products)
3 answer
17.08.2021, 13:01
Incorrect purchase price of goods
There is such a problem, when copying a process using the standard Copy button, incoming prices are also copied, and at this moment the prices may ...
2 answer
16.08.2021, 11:53
Os - product thumbnails are not displayed
Opening the Products app We see the list of products None, one image in the list is not displayed (checked through safari, chrome browsers) look