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Application Questions and Answers «Products»

3 answer
07.10.2022, 12:12
Special price settings gone
The settings for special prices relative to the price level have disappeared. The tab is a mess. Categories and brands that were never in the setti...
3 answer
06.10.2022, 12:14
Clarification on an old revision request
Previously created such a request for revision. I wanted to clarify whether it will be possible to use these variables in the context of hyperlinks...
5 replies
06.10.2022, 11:02
ERROR! All filters on products have been removed
Guys, I just discovered that the filters have been dropped in all products, + they are not displayed correctly. I didn't do any import/export.
5 replies
04.10.2022, 18:53
Search by supplier code stopped working
Hello. In the list of products https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/, the search does not search for the supplier code https://prnt.sc/LOp...
2 answer
02.10.2022, 00:22
Missing product images
Hello. Images are missing for some products link to the product https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/app/product/1022675/edit/ https://cabinet.tehno...
4 answer
27.09.2022, 21:41
Internal name for filters
Need help and improvement. Here is the essence of the problem: very often in my products there are filters that have the same name (Picture 1), and...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
20.09.2022, 16:48
Add a row with field amounts to the product journal
Good day, For manual analysis in the journal, the product does not have a row with the total values of kіlkostі and total vartostі. Request: https:...
4 answer
20.09.2022, 16:12
Multilingual categories - evaluate the refinement
You can do it here so that there are 2 fields at once How much does it cost to set up so that when viewing categories here you could immediately s...
1 answer
15.09.2022, 14:05
The price flies
Good afternoon! For one position, the price of 00.00 is uploaded to the site Although the prices are all set and the rest of the positions are unlo...
The product is added to the process where the selling price equals the purchase price
Good day, gentlemen! We use the boxed version of MVP. We periodically face such a problem - some part of the product, when added to the process, fo...