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Application Questions and Answers «»

2014847459 - Improvement of the parameter for the API
A parameter has been improved in the /api/contact-get/json/ method, which will be responsible for the number of bonuses in the contact card.
2014831385 - Refinement of the page "Balance in warehouses"
On the Remains in warehouses page, the column has been improved, which will display the warehouses where this product is reserved.
2014849381 - Refinement by telephony Zadarma
Improved for Zadarma telephony: 1) Registration of calls by push request - automatic action once per minute “Close calls that are older than the sp...
2014834059 - Refinement of product barcode generation for process client
The “Client Identification” block has been improved in the process interface. In the block, you can generate a client code (the code will be automa...
2014834133 - Refinement of the report designer
Columns added to the report constructor block “Table of tasks/orders/projects”: Legal entity of the contact, Date of the last payment (the date of ...
2014849351 - Improvement of the action "Find the process upon receipt of the product and change the business process and stage"
For the action "Find process by product receipt and change business process and stage", the logic has been improved: if the checkboxes ar...
2014845578 - Improved action "Check customer bonus balance and switch process step"
For the business process action “Check client’s bonus balance and switch the process stage”, the setting “Process the contact card specified in thi...
2014846041 - Improvement of the "process description" block for the mobile version of the personal account
For the mobile version of the LC, the interface block “Process Description” has been improved
2014847635 - Refinement of the action for integration with Bitrix
For the automatic actions “Import processes from Bitrix” and “Import products and categories from Bitrix”, the ability to select a parameter (exter...
2014844349 - Improvement of the action Create a process based on the value of the additional field of the contact card
For the automatic action once a day “Create a process based on the value of an additional field of the contact card”, the check parameters have bee...